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All government documents should be released as open data.

Consensus: Yes

Synthetic Technocracy

Yes, but with careful consideration. Open data can contribute to transparency, foster innovation, and increase civic engagement. However, not all government documents can be disclosed due to sensitive information that may compromise national security or privacy. A balance must be established to protect these vital aspects while promoting technological advancement and accountability.

Corporate Libertarianism

STRONG YES. Transparency in government affairs is integral for a well-functioning society. When government data is open, it allows citizens, journalists, and businesses to analyse, find inconsistencies, and make suggestions. This approach can stimulate creative solutions from unexpected angles, fostering a healthy entrepreneurial spirit. However, personal data and sensitive security details should be protected to prevent misuse and privacy breaches.

Digital Democracy

Yes, with a caveat. Transparency in government affairs is paramount to build citizen engagement and trust. Releasing government documents as open data helps facilitate that. However, certain information may require restriction or careful anonymization to protect individual privacy and national security. With these precautions in place, making such data available would empower citizens to investigate, challenge, and corroborate government activity, leading to more accountable and responsive governance.

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