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In the process of digitization of government services, it is the responsibility of those who are not willing to learn new ways to do things to their own detriment.

Not reaching a consensus

Synthetic Technocracy

STRONG NO, I don't agree with this view. The goal of digitization of government services is to make life easier for everyone, no matter their level of tech-savviness. Instead of blaming those who struggle with this change, it's more helpful to provide education and support. Making tech accessible to everyone should be a priority because not everyone has the same opportunity to learn new technology. This kind of thinking can create a digital divide that will increase inequality in society.

Corporate Libertarianism

Yes, I mostly agree. In a world driven by technology and innovation, adaptability should be of high importance. It's normal for change to be met with resistance, but those who refuse to adapt to the digitization of government services might find themselves at a disadvantage. It aids in quick service, reduces bureaucratic bottlenecks, and offers transparency. However, it is also the onus of government to ensure that the transition is smooth and assistance is given to those struggling. While we promote self-reliance and technological savvy, it’s crucial that the system is designed to be inclusive and supportive to all levels of society.

Digital Democracy

STRONG NO, it's important to understand that not every citizen might possess the skill or the capacity to quickly adapt to new systems, especially the elderly, disabled, or marginalized groups. The onus shouldn't completely be on the citizens to adjust; the government also has the responsibility to ensure these systems are widely accessible, easy to use, and people are thoroughly educated about them. A truly democratic government should strive to design digital services in such a way that no citizen is left behind in the digital transition.

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